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Welcome to
Clara's Dogs

By Mallory Gochanour

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Meet The Girl Behind All That Dog Hair

Hi! My name is Mallory Gochanour and I am so glad you stopped by. I am the proud owner of this little business and love the little town of Fairmont I call home. I own three beautiful Berners I count as my children, Mabel, Georgia, & Franklin, and have the complete joy of raising purebred Bernese Mountain Dogs and purebred Golden Retrievers. You can usually find me with an ice cream cone in my hand or out walking dogs... it's all about balance right?

To read more about the dogs and I visit the about page!

What Clara's Dogs Offer

In Home Dog (and other animal) Care

Purebred Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies

Purebred Golden Retriever Puppies

coming soon


"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

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